Saturday, 1 February 2025

Free novels and everything $0.99/£0.99 (today to 5 February)

Very quick note: the big giveaway and blowout sale is now live (as announced last week). Grab free novels and pretty much everything else for $0.99/£0.99 from now until 5 February (Wednesday). After the sales, my books will leave Kindle Unlimited in a staggered manner, with everything gone by 28 March.

Free books:

Book(s) for $0.99/£0.99:

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Now on Substack (newsletter news and life updates)

After much back and forth, I've decided to divorce my newsletter provider (MailChimp), and I'm taking the house, car and everything else. I've never loved the interface - maybe I'm not techie or smart enough, but I kind of put up with it because I wasn't sending that many newsletters anyway. Then they decided to start charging a chunk of cash for the pleasure of sending 2-3 newsletters per year (well over £100/year), so I finally made the jump.

As we speak, I'm trying to import the spreadsheet with contacts to Substack, but seems a human needs to review it, and with it being the holidays and all, I'm happy to be patient. This isn't the time of year to get pushy with anyone.

So the new address is Aleksandr Voinov | Substack (or find me manually at @aleksandrvoinov). If you're on my mailinglist, you should soon get joined, but if you want to be 100% sure you'll join me there, feel free to subscribe there. Substack is functionally very similar to a mailinglist (you get emails), but there are other things I really like, such as the ability to do polls and comment, and actually have a community. So yes, you can message me (or engage with other readers) and I'll respond.

There's an option to put up a paywall and have a paid subscription. It does look better than the same option on Patreon, but I won't make people pay to access what will essentially be an author newsletter and a kind of more frequent blog. I might offer a paid tier for actual writing/chapters and maybe add my ebooks to it (pre-release), but I expect 98% of all posts will be free and remain free.

So the big news is that I'm giving this whole author thing another shot. I'll tell you on Substack what I got up to and what I did the last year and where we're going from here. The short version: three books lined up for next year, my financial/professional situation has changed, and everything will be different next year.

Monday, 15 July 2024

Mid-2024 Update (Books Are Happening)

All the things I've written about in the previous blog entry are still ongoing. I'm going to the gym, lifting weight, getting healthier, my contract with Awesome Company was renewed for several more months, and I'm still writing books. 

In fact, I've just typed "The End" under book #2. Over the weekend, I've plotted book #3, so we're looking at a trilogy. All of  them are m/m, but book #3 also features a trans* character. I'll freely admit that writing that book scares me somewhat, but the characters are loud in my head, so I'll leave my comfort zone and write it. I'll consider it a giant FU to TERFs.

So, for scheduling. 

Book #1 needs some rewrites, then I'll do another fine-tooth-comb self-edit, also involving some beta readers. It currently has about 75,000 words and is in pretty decent shape already. At the very least, that one will hit the pre-orders this year.

Book #2 is currently at 92,000 words and I'm at the stage where I need to fill in all the square brackets and do that first self-edit where I begin cutting the empty words, repetitions and info dumps that I needed to get through the book, but they've served their purpose now. So I expect that one will end up somewhere around 80,000-90,000 words. I think I can beat it into shape before the end of the year, too. 

Book #3 is plotted out, and I don't know how long it'll be. I thought both books #1 and #2 would be no more than 50-60k, so if the pattern repeats, it might end up being 75-90k too. I have lovely characters and I look forward to spending more time with them - always a good sign. Since that needs to be written, I feel it might be more of a 2025 thing.

After this, things are much more up in the air. There's a mostly written book in the Witches of London series that just needs some scenes and a deep editorial scrub. Basically, I could get this ready to publish if I can find 2-3 weeks of mostly uninterrupted good brain time. Maybe another (early) 2025 thing.

The day job is the main reason I can't plan past December. I'm happy at the company, they're happy with me, and I've had some great "getting to know you/when is your contract over" chats with other team heads who might soon be looking to fill positions. Nothing fixed yet, but I  might end up rejoining the "rat race" (though I really don't feel like a rat there). There's also the option that they'll renew the contract by another few months - apparently that company likes to keep contractors they like around until something permanent opens up. Apparently contractors staying 2-3 years and then joining properly is a thing.

If I leave, these timelines will shift, of course. Other things I want to finish up:

Book #4 (paranormal historical) stands at 45k right now and needs to re-written before I can finish it off. I made some real rookie mistakes there that I need to fix and that affect the very structure of the book. Live and learn. I think it'll be awesome when it's fixed. 

Book #5 (historical) is currently just a 20-year-old idea but I feel like it's time to get it written. I know I have at least half an outline and a strong elevator pitch. I've made large books with less.

Books #6-#9 (epic fantasy), all of them are half-plotted and I have strong main characters driving the action. It feels like this series will be pretty long and take probably 1-2 years to write in total. 

Anything beyond that is just a twinkle in the back of my brain right now, so probably not worth talking about yet. 

TL;DR: 2 books coming this year, 2 more in 2025, pipeline after that's looking good.

Saturday, 23 December 2023

Ending 2023, starting 2024 (Still here)

Happy Solstice, everyone. I just re-read my preview blog post and ... well, life can change a lot in 6 months.


2023 was a year of career transition. Trying out various paths after the old one ended abruptly, seeing what makes me happy, what gives me satisfaction (outside writing). I tried translator, I tried a new start in a new industry (media) ... and then "fate" intervened.

Backing up. In June, I was contacted by a headhunter for a great full-time job at a market-leading company with a fearsome reputation. The money was so good (and the headhunter made a convincing case that the, ahem, "cultural factors" I was worried about had changed) that I went into the process. This would then drag on for two months (and multiple interviews/tests) as the recruiting manager/s couldn't make up their mind which one of the two final applicants they wanted. In the end, I lost out against somebody with more experience.

Fast forward a few months. Same company, different team needs to urgently replace an editor who's going off on parental leave for 7 months. Apparently I'd impressed some people enough that they referred their colleagues to me. Two 20-minute phone calls with a colleague and my future manager later, and I got the job. Being asked on Wednesday, "So can you come to work on Monday?" was ... something. My then-employer was nice and released me earlier, so the whole thing took 10 days and everything changed.

Pay. Schedule. Industry. Team. Job.

At that point, I'd resolved I'm just going to be a sword for hire - take short gigs for whoever pays me the most as I make my way toward retirement. I thought I had all sense of loyalty or connection beaten out of me during my career.

That worked for a like 2 weeks, but the company is so impressive - and the management and team so refreshingly non-toxic - I wouldn't mind going permanent with them if they want me. They certainly can use the help, even after the parent comes back from leave. Anyway, I'm now in a place where I'd be fine with both outcomes: getting made permanent would have a very large impact on my finances, but if I leave after serving out my contract, I'll walk away with a smile and many good memories. Plus, that name on my CV means I'll find some other well-paid mercenary gig easily.

So what else did I do in 2023? I travelled to Germany and France. Made new friends and reconnected with old ones. Finished a book and wrote another one. Improved my health, lowered my stress levels. I'm back to lifting weights and generally more active than I was. I donated a ton of clutter to charity shops. I trimmed down my book collection to the point where there are actual gaps on the shelves. More needs to go. I reorganized my study/office - got rid of some furniture and now have a lot more space. I set pretty healthy boundaries in my personal life (painful, but necessary). I quit my RPG group because of incompatible styles (it's always important to work out what people want out of their games, and if you don't have enough common ground, it's easier for everybody if the group dissolves or switches out the incompatible player/s). I reached a major financial milestone thanks to the mercenary gig. I translated books. Joined a local RPG club. I generally had a great time at interviews and jobs and in a professional environment. This was the year I learned that a day job can actually be 100% fun and engaging. I had some good weeks in journalism way back when, but this is a whole 'nother level.

For 2024, the job situation is wide open. I'm also working on some health and well-being stuff that will take a few months to sort out.


I started edits on the book I wrote in 2022, and I'm 95% done with the sequel that also needs editing. I'd hoped to finish the book while in France, but turned out it was longer than expected. Both these books are pretty chunky m/m novels (romances, sure), and I originally planned to have them out before the end of the year. That's not going to happen, so I'm now aiming for mid-2024.

I did plot out the fantasy novels, I have a world, and several important characters. Beating all of that into shape is definitely a 2024 task.

I'm also pondering my overall strategy - and might go "wide" again next year. I've always had issues with Kindle Unlimited, so being exclusive with them doesn't sit right with me. 

I have plenty of ideas for books and characters and hope to get something into publishable shape soon. I mean, stuff I write in the day job is (theoretically) being read by hundreds of thousands of people who pay a lot of money for that content, so my ego got a little boost from that. I also think those two novels are pretty good. I recently met Jordan in London and we've been talking about plans for the Witches series. There are at least two more books there. 

At some point I'll also have to do the layouts and do print versions. Forgive me, it's a really tedious job and relatively low priority, but I do hope to get to it in 2024. I prefer print books too, after all.

I also want to translate most of my English books into German. I will translate the books of some friends. And I think that's plenty on my plate right now.

TL; DNR: The promised m/m books are late, but will be out in 2024, plus likely a fantasy novel or two. 

Saturday, 1 July 2023

Update (it's 2023 and I'm still here)

 It's July 2023 and apparently - apart from one post about Pride - I haven't blogged here in two years. I'm not sure people still read blogs, but in case anybody does, maybe a general life and writing update.


In August 2022, I benefited from a general staff cut across the whole company and took voluntary redundancy, which involved getting a chunk of money and four months' paid holiday. Also, I knew it was coming, so I was prepared for it.

Over the years, it had got increasingly difficult to stay in that particular industry (shift work, for example, really wrecks my sleep patterns), so that was a really good exit for me. I made the most of the "gardening leave", travelled a bit, tried out a full-time gig as a freelance translator, wrote a book, started another, then in March 2023 started to get a bit restless and applied for a few jobs again, this time only those with good work/life balance. Received multiple offers within two weeks or so, then decided to go work for a gigantic media company, dealing with general data quality stuff. The money isn't the same as in financial services, but it's enough for me, mostly because I paid down the mortgage aggressively during those years with the large paycheck.

I also spend some time getting therapy and worked through some childhood and teenage issues, as well as the death of my mother. I'm not sure I feel "better" - that was my first course of therapy, and I didn't like the snotty crying every damn week at 10:00 on Tuesdays. I'm more aware of some patterns now and know why some stuff hits me in the heart and other stuff I just shrug off.

Job-wise, things remain in flux, though - I've applied for an internal job at my current employer and an external company recruiter has approached me for the kind of opportunity I'd be silly not to go for. I'm already past the first interview stage and expecting further assessment. Job stuff seems to come in waves - I had multiples nibbles and about fifteen interviews in November/December, and always made it to "second place" - somebody had more experience, usually, or in one case the job just vanished. Anyway, I'm happy where I am and could easily stay here and do a few more years working for corporates. If that other opportunity happens, I'll take it and work there for 4-6 more years before I ride into the sunset.

Otherwise, not a huge amount happened. I still live where I lived, live with the same person I've lived with, write with the same writing group (though happily I've met a great fellow writer from Germany who's smart and driven and really brightens my days). I'm back to the gym, lift some weights, walk a lot, and declutter stuff I bought mostly as some kind of stress therapy during the banking years. I also bought a fountain pen I've been wanting for many years as a "getting fired" present to myself. I'm playing a bit on the X-Box, got pretty good at Call of Duty multiplayer ("pretty good" means I'm no longer just target practice for more experienced players) and looking forward to Phantom Liberty. 


I still can't believe Burn this City came out in 2021. I guess time flies when you're working hard. 2022 up to August wasn't a very creative time for me, especially after returning to the office in the first seven months of it. There's something about open-plan offices, shift work and stress that kills my writing mojo.

When I got out, I threw myself full bore into translating - seemed like a great way of doing something creative without actually having to be all that creative (after all, the plot, characters and scenes are already there). For a while, the concept of "travelling around with my laptop, translating" held a lot of appeal, but I still returned to corporate work for several reasons. I'm a good translator and reasonably fast, but I'm not sure I was born for it. What this period did was allow my characters to talk to me again.

I became a member of several libraries (British Library, London Library) so I can access them as places to work/study/look up things, and started working on the concept of my fantasy novel/s. I had only a vague idea in 2022, but fleshed out the conflict/world in early 2023 while travelling.

My old problem  remains - I can't write commercial work fast enough to have a viable career in m/m romance ("viable career" meaning replacing my paycheck), so I'm looking at spending most of my time/energy on fantasy novels, where consistency seems more important than huge volume. It's daunting to start from nothing, but over the past few years, I haven't been able to find any m/m romance I enjoy reading (a few exceptions prove the rule), and I feel alienated from the current trends - or the trends that were current when I looked last. I am a member of various Discord and Facebook groups focused on m/m and the books that seem popular don't do anything for me - and the tropes that are popular don't align with what I like to write. Like, at all.

That said, the book I've finished in 2022 is an m/m romance, and I'm currently working on the sequel. There will probably be a sequel after that, because the characters talk and plan their little plans in my head, and it'll be fun to give some old characters closure, and tell the story of the new characters that cropped up while I was writing about the old characters. I'm ostensibly editing the first book, and there are some re-writes I need to make it really work. The idea is to publish that book and the second book pretty close together and then I'll see if the third book has any legs (it might be just a novella, in the end). I'm aiming to get both out by the end of the year.

This  week, after lots of planning and plotting, I've also started on the fantasy novel/s, and I think those are 2024 releases (we only have six months left, after all, and fantasy wordcounts are usually higher).  I'm curious where this thing will go - I do plot, but the characters usually end up doing something else entirely. I'm also still doing translations, but only occasionally and mostly my own books. 

TL;DNR: expect new m/m releases this year, and fantasy novels in 2024.