Friday, 7 December 2018

The last of the three (and the dozen or so)

This is the last cover for the new Memory of Scorpions edition. This is a pretty big moment - it's the last of the trilogy and the last of more than a dozen re-releases this year. I've focused all year on getting my backlist edited and re-released and re-covered and getting them all back out was basically my "big annual 2018 goal" and now it's done and there's so much relief. It's definitely taken away from my time for writing - there are only so many hours in the day - but all of these never versions feel like a really solid base for everything that'll come in the next year or two.

So, I'm now back to WRITING (if I remember how to do that - kidding!) and hopefully catch up on my 30+ strong list of works in progress and bunnies and all the other things.

I am working on three books that are in various stages (Julian, a historical road movie with magic, and a tropey book I was going to pitch to Dreamspinner), and I want to wrap all of them in 2019.

Thank you for your patience during the intermission. I'm most certainly back now. 

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