Wednesday 19 May 2010


That's it. I've done it now twice in this country, handed in my letter of resignation, and the sense of relief is large and looming and ENORMOUS.

I'll now put a countdown on my desktop and my outlook calender function, and then I'll knuckle down and rock this place during my last 4 weeks so they see what they are really losing. (They think they do, but they don't).

No more sock boy.

Collective sigh of relief.

And tonight I'm taking one of my invites from a PR company, but it's the coolest invite ever. A venture firm invites a bunch of journos to a private screening of Robin Hood, with nibbles and drinks provided.



  1. Congratulations! Have fun tonight, you deserve it!

  2. Thank you! I think the VCs will expect me to work and interview their people, and I really don't mind that, because VCs are usually awesome people - I would have killed to get a job at a VC company. But the main reason is really to watch Robin Hood. :)

  3. Contract signed. Resignation handed in. Hear my sigh of relief? Congrats, Aleks :)

    Hope you enjoy Robin Hood. I did and you know I don't care for Middle Ages themes.

  4. I have been in your rarefied place.. having told a couple different bosses goodbye. I only caution that it is expecting too much of the sock boys, or the strange alien creature I once worked for, to really comprehend what they are losing... do it for your own sake, if you want, but don't count on it. When I told the alien creature "You want a clerk to do this job. It isn't a clerk's job and I'm no clerk," as I resigned, I saw the first smile on the woman's face ever. I ran a volunteer resources program which I had revbolutionized.. we had a waiting list of blind people wanting volunteer help of over 200 people.. by the time I left I had the waiting list down to less than 20. Within the month after I left they had lost a third of their volunteers and never got the strength up again. And did they appear to feel the loss? Nope.

    However, my sense of pride and honor grew by leaps and bounds after that. You already know what I mean.

    Good luck with the job hunt.. may you be given work equal to your considerable talents..

    and a free screening of Robin Hood? I am Lincoln green with envy!! Tell us all about it.

    Nan Hawthorne
    author of An INvoluntary King: A Tale of Anglo Saxon England

  5. Noch vier Wochen.

    Ja, hier auch.

    Glückwunsch ^^ Genieß die Zeit und bring sie zum Weinen


  6. @Elaine: Yes I heard that :) Robin Hood was a bit of a mixed bag, but great eye candy. And I adored William Marshall.

  7. @Nan: Wow, great job! I keep hearing from the new place that initiative is rewarded (financially, too), and in a senior position, I'll have a lot more freedom to define the role. I'm basically taking a tired title and reinvigorate it - it's a new position so I can pretty much define how I'll do it. And I think that's exactly what I need to fully engage with what I'm doing.

    Yes, sense of honour. We medieval people.

    @Kat: Viel Glueck beim Wechsel! Ich muss immer an die Bremer Stadtmusikanten denken: "Etwas Besseres als den Tod finden wir ueberall."
