Friday 24 September 2010

More Moscow Thoughts

I've blogged over at Slash and Burn about my trip to Moscow.

Check it out here.

In other news, "First Blood" is out with Dreamspinner. It's the sequel to "Clean Slate", and you can get it in paper or e-book (because, yeah, it's a full-sized novel).

I now have to update websites and do a little bit of "promo" - and then I have to do the final editing pass of "Transit", at least for this stage. I already edited and approved the blurb.

I've taken Monday off. I need a little to recover from Moscow - and to write.


  1. Glad you're back in 'jolly old England' safe and sound. Enjoyed your Moscow Blog. Nothing like experiencing the 'real thing' to inspire you, I'm sure.

    Will have to read "Clean Slate" so I can then add "First Blood" to my 'to read' list--looking forward to it.

    Enjoy your weekend!


  2. I bought it, uploaded it on my reader...and saw my name on the dedication:) don't know any other Elaine, do you?0_0

    BTW, Rick bought me a puppy. A pug.
