Saturday 12 March 2011

For the first time in months, I'm caught up

Subjectively speaking, this is the first time since the beginning of the year that I have time on my hands. There's no urgent "needs doing yesterday" stuff on my desk. Nada. I don't have any of my own novels to edit for publication. (Doesn't mean I couldn't grab one from the drawer and rework it for submission - but no, I'm not going there.)

So, everything's off and gone. I finished the final line edits of "Scorpion" last week. After that, it was the "sanity check" for "Father of all Things", and I still found stuff. We also had to fill in cover spec sheets for both books (submitting artwork and ideas). And the last couple days, I've agonized over the blurb for "Scorpion". The final version of the line edits of "Father of all Things", went out this morning. The "Scorpion" blurb went out today, one day late.

I have loads of email I need to respond to. Royalty statements to organize (tax year ends in April). I have several ideas for new novels/stories. I bought a pile of books for research. I have three advanced works in progress, two of which need research.

I've fallen behind on blogging. Fallen off the face of the earth while wrestling with a pile of work. I have a contract to sign. A brain to recover. A desk to clean. More than six hundred THOUSAND words to edit for "Special Forces".

Part of me wants to go to bed.

On the way to London today (I managed to meet a friend in Foyles and not acquire a *single* book), I read what I have for the boxer story and "Scorpion 2". And there's some very good writing going on there. So, I'm hoping to do some work on either Scorpion part 2 or the boxer. Iron Cross still needs more research.

That's really the plan for the rest of the year - finish those three. It might even work out.


  1. Hi Aleks!

    Found you through Special Forces and loved (obsessed over) the epic. Then checked out your other works - Debriefing, Lion of Kent, Deliverance, Test of Faith, Risky Maneuvers. All well written and really enjoyed them except Risky Maneuvers. Didn't like the story much. Looking forward to reading more of your material and the stories you'll soon be pushing out. I'm in love, love, love with your writing! =)


  2. Hi Alli,

    sorry for the late reply! Thank so much. Risky Maneuvers is a bit of a special case - we had a lot of fun writing it, but I understand it's the book that people tend to be most divided over, which is completely OK. :)

    If you want to join my discussion group, you're very welcome:
